10 Causes Of Hormonal Imbalance

One cannot pinpoint one single cause of hormonal imbalance. Men, Women and Children alike fall prey to hormonal imbalances or hgh deficiency.

Hormones are the chemical messengers that are released by our endocrinal system comprising of thyroid, hypothalamus, thymus, testes/ovaries, pineal, pituitary, parathyroid and adrenal glands apart from organs such as liver, pancreas, kidneys, stomach and duodenum to perform different functions by binding to the cell surface or within it. They are of different kinds, depending upon the gland they originate from and the effects that they induce. Their chemical composition also varies. Due to this there are a variety of causes for hormonal imbalance among human beings.

High Hormonal Deficiency

The most commonly observed causes are high levels of estrogen, birth control pills, pregnancy, aging, genetic pre disposition, stress, artificial hormones in cosmetics and food products and a sedentary lifestyle etc.

Causes Of Hormonal Imbalance:

  1. Elevated Estrogen & Low Progesterone Levels are the most common cause for hormonal imbalance among women. Estrogen levels are high during and before a menstrual cycle resulting in a temporary imbalance.
  2. Pregnancy – During pregnancy different hormones are released by different glands and organs to support the embryo/fetus. Hence the imbalance in hormones.
  3. Menopause – This phase marks the dropping of estrogen levels resulting in hormonal imbalance.
  4. Birth Control Pills – An improper use of birth control pills results in hormonal imbalance as it contains either estrogen or progesterone or both. A birth control pill is designed to regulate menses and prevent pregnancy by obstructing the pattern of ovulation. By improper usage the balance of these hormones is not maintained naturally resulting in various related disorders.
  5. Thyroid Disorders – Sometimes the thyroid gland either over produces or under produces hormones leading to hormonal imbalance conditions referred to as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. These conditions are prevalent among men, women and children.
  6. Aging – Different hormones are secreted at different ages in the human body. Sometimes their secretion is minimal as the body does not require it in greater quantities. For instance the Human Growth Hormones are released more before the age of 30 and its secretion declines consequently resulting in symptoms of aging like graying of hair, wrinkles, menopause/andropause, weakening of muscle tone and bone density to name a few.
  7. Lifestyle – A sedentary lifestyle is a major cause of hormonal imbalances. Unhealthy eating habits combined with lack of any kind of exercise increases the chances of your glands malfunctioning to either produce more or less of the required hormones leading to an imbalance.
  8. Stress – Stress induced hormonal imbalances result in mood swings, weight gain/loss, insomnia and irritability among people especially women. During stress a hormone – cortisol is released leading to a drop in the progesterone levels.
  9. Food Items Infused With Artificial Hormones – Many dairy and poultry products contain artificial hormones that directly or indirectly leach into them when the source has been given them as supplement or injection for elevated production. A research carried out in United States indicated that children as young as 5 are experiencing an early onset of puberty, which is a direct symptom of hormonal imbalance.
  10. Chemical Products – We are exposed to many chemicals in our day to day lives via cosmetics, house hold cleansing agents, food containers etc. These chemicals are toxic to the body which may result in an imbalance in the hormones like growth hormones, estrogen, cortisol to name a few.

The imbalance in hormones can be corrected by using therapies like hormonal replacement therapy, alternative medicine or making changes in lifestyle. The treatment varies based upon the kind of hormonal imbalance found in a person.

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